How can I schedule a junk pick-up with the team at Al QAFTAN General Trading LLC (Junk Removal Service)?
All you need to do is send us an SMS or e-mail if you have an urgent need to have those undesirable items removed from your area. To be included in the text/message, are your address and the items that are to be picked up. Likewise, you should also communicate the preferred date and time you would like us to schedule the collection of the junk. Again, we would appreciate if you could also send photos or videos showing the items.
How much does the service cost?
We offer our services at no cost; it is completely free of charge.
What happens to the junk after the pick-up?
The items are transported from your space to our sorting centre where they are eventually repaired [after being sorted out]. Thereafter, we make attempts to sell or recycle the items within different communities – especially low-income communities.
Will your team come with bags and boxes?
Our team will come with bags but not boxes. Also, handy tools such as tape and plastic rolls will be made available by our team.
Can I put a phone call through to book an appointment?
Though we do not rule out or turn down your phone call [for the purpose of scheduling a pick-up], we would be very much pleased if you send us an SMS or e-mail to let us know the time and date you will like us to come and pick your junk. Also, the address of your home or office where our team will be coming to remove the junk should be included in the message.
When can I call to schedule a pick-up?
Our call centre is open from 9am – 9pm every day. So, you can call within these hours. However, for high-rise locations, we urge that you kindly book a pick-up appointment between the hours of 10am – 6pm.
What can I do to prepare and ensure a smooth and quick collection before your team’s arrival?
The steps that can be taken to have a quick and easy junk collection process differ based on the items that are involved. That said, if you have fragile items, you may have them packed in boxes or bags before our team arrives. These packed stuffs, as well as other small items can then be moved close to the door.
In case you have (big) items that may have to be dismantled, and you want to go ahead with the dismantling process, we recommend that you take before-and-after [dismantling] photos of the items/articles and show them to our team.
Additionally, you can let your neighbours and friends know that AL QAFTAN General Trading LLC (Junk collectors) are coming to your community. You may never know if they have unwanted items that they will like to get rid of.
And, if your community has got a social media page or portal, you can do well to post details about our schedule there to create more awareness.
How can I recover items that have been mistakenly included among the items collected by your team?
Immediately you get to know about this, we request that you contact us with the necessary information about such item(s) without delay. We will move to recover the item and have it returned within 4 – 7 days. You will have to come to our sorting facility to pick up the item(s).
How much notice do you require?
We do permit last minute requests, but the earlier your notice is served on us, the better it would be for us to make plans and arrive at your area to collect your junk. In the event of a last-minute request, please ensure that you back up your SMS or e-mail with a phone call. That said, during Ramadan, notices should be, at least, served between 2 – 4 hours before the pick-up schedule.
Do you dismantle wardrobes, beds, and TV cabinets?
Yes, we do.
Is it possible to drop off my junk with you without your team coming to my home or office?
Yes. You can also send the items directly to our sorting facility. Furthermore, you can give us a call to tell us about this, so that we direct one of our trucks [with a team of collectors] to pick up the junk at the meeting point you might have chosen.
When is the best time to schedule a pick-up?
Carrying out collection earlier in the day is somewhat better considering that our trucks often get full during the latter part of the day. More so, there are instances whereby some security guards prevent junk collectors from collecting junks once it’s past 5pm.
But without trying to be restrictive; we have set aside 3 different (daily) periods of collection, and these include: Morning/Afternoon: 9:30am – 2:00pm; Afternoon: 2:00pm – 5:00pm, and Evening: 5:00pm – 8:00pm.
Do I have to be present when your team arrives for the pick-up of my junk?
Preferably, we would wish to meet you at home or within the enclosure where the junk removal will take place. However, if you will not be available, we request that you fill the necessary forms that will allow us to remove the junk and also inform the security guards about our coming.
Again, we advise that you distinctly mark the items that are to be removed if there will be no one around when the collection is being done. This will prevent us from picking up the items that we are not meant to take.
How can I help?
You can contribute to the growth of our venture and business by posting or sharing details about us on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. Also, you can use the word-of-mouth to let others know about the services we render.
Do you take curtains and undo railings?
Frequently Asked Questions
Here we provide answers to a list of queries that are often asked by prospective customers. We hope you will find these answers helpful.

Do You Have Any Questions?
You should not hesitate to contact us through our customer care line if you have any further inquiries.